Casco Bay Islands Transit District- Update

Casco Bay Islands Transit District is working with CBL staff to review the Down Bay summer schedule. The current schedule was instituted last year, to be reviewed after one year. There will be a second public hearing set for March 7th (public notice to follow) at CBL to discuss input from the public, the shore staff, Captains, and management. We looking to receive input from all the DB users. 

The initial meeting last month received some great input and it was agreed in general that the schedule may require some tweaks versus a major overhaul. The general consensus was that the staff gained some insight and they will work those ideas into a new proposed schedule, if doable. The major areas discussed focused on; efficient use of boats and crews, freight handling on shore and islands, inter-island transport plus the convenience of commuters and island business staffs. We became well versed that any tweaks can have unintended consequences to other areas of the operation.

If you have any input you would like to share, please send it along to your DB island representatives. Any and all input will be appreciated but try to limit to summer schedule issues.




Great Diamond

Little Diamond

Have a wonderful day!

Polly Wentworth